Inkinga enkulu ehlobene nokusabela kokuphakama kwesithunzi ukuthi kungabangela ukunikezwa okungalungile kwethunzi.
In React Native, the shadow elevation is used to add a drop shadow to a component. The elevation is specified in terms of pixels. To add a shadow to a component, you can use the style property: shadowColor: '#000', shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: 2 }, shadowOpacity: 0.8, shadowRadius: 2, elevation: 5
Lokhu kuzokwengeza isithunzi esimnyama esino-80% opacity engxenyeni, ene-offset engu-2px evundlile kanye no-5px mpo. Irediyasi yesithunzi izoba ngu-2px.
ithunzi ezintweni
Kukhona izinto ezimbalwa okufanele uzicabangele uma ukhuluma ngezithunzi ku-React Native. Okokuqala, izithunzi zihunyushwa njengengxenye yomuthi wengxenye. Lokhu kusho ukuthi azonikezwa engxenyeni ewanikezayo, hhayi kunoma yiziphi ezinye izingxenye okungenzeka zibe esihlahleni esifanayo. Okwesibili, izithunzi zenziwa ngendlela efanayo, ngakho-ke ngeke zivele kuze kube yilapho ingxenye isikhishiwe. Okokugcina, izithunzi zibalwa ngesikhathi sokusebenza kunokuba zenziwe kusengaphambili futhi zigcinwe kumemori.