Kuxazululiwe: shayela umsebenzi ngama-prameters inm tkinter buttion

Inkinga enkulu ukuthi umsebenzi ngeke ubizwe ngenani elifanele lama-agumenti.

In Python, you can call a function with parameters in a Tkinter button by using the command attribute of the button. For example, if you have a function named my_func that takes two parameters, you can call it like this:

button = tkinter.Button(root, text="Click me", command=lambda: my_func(param1, param2))

Kule khodi, kwakhiwa inkinobho ethi, uma ichofozwa, izobiza umsebenzi we-my_func ngamapharamitha param1 kanye ne-param2.


I-Tkinter iyikhithi yamathuluzi ye-GUI yePython. Inikeza isikhombimsebenzisi esibonakalayo esilula nesisebenziseka kalula sokudala i-graphical interface yomsebenzisi. I-Tkinter ingasetshenziswa ukudala izinhlelo zokusebenza ezifana namamenyu asebenzisanayo, amabhokisi ezingxoxo, namawindi.

Dlulisa izingxabano kokuthi Inkinobho no-Tkinter

Ku-Python, ungasebenzisa igama elingukhiye lokudlula ukuze ushayele umsebenzi ngaphandle kokunikeza noma yiziphi izingxabano. Lokhu kuyasiza uma ufuna ukushayela umsebenzi ngezimpikiswano ezithile, kodwa ungazi ukuthi ziyini.

Ukuze ushayele umsebenzi ngezimpikiswano ezithile, ungasebenzisa igama elingukhiye elithi argv.

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